Barrio Hondillo

Barrio Hondillo

Set composed of narrow streets, squares and “tinaos”, with houses of between two and three heights that are vertebrate in the west-east direction around the Hondillo or Castejón street. It still retains morphology as well as a large number of houses of ancient origin, at least in its basic structure, since the external aspect appears in many cases modified in the roofs, facades and carpentry. Particularly noteworthy are the “tinaos” and portals, such as that of La Chispas, del Tío Pedro, de la Chirinas, callejón de Dieguito and the placetaColorá. It also houses some religious niches on facades.

Historical Aspects

Its existence is already mentioned in Muslim times, being part of one of the three neighbourhoods of which the village consisted, called “delAceituno”. There are various speculations about its Muslim origin, and even Jewish, however, it is also known that during the Alpujarras War the village was razed, thus one would think that the remains that remain today would belong to constructions made by Christian repopulators, although retaining the ancient structures and typologies. In any case, new publications are waiting to shed light on this. What if noted is that it was the Main Street and part of the real road toward the Alpujarra and Granada, of whose certainly seen some marks from car wheels of the narrowest parts.


It is located in the urban centre of Lanjarón, at its Eastern end. It has its main access by the Constitution Square.